Due to the large number of orders, please note that your order may not arrive in time for Christmas (December 25, 2023).
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Return & Refund Policy

Last Update: 10/2/2022 3:02:04 PM

Change or cancel order (if applicable):

  • After making a purchase, customers have 24 hour to request cancellation.
  • Please be informed that a management, processing and transaction fee (10% of your total order value) will be applied for the cancellation.
  • After that date, we work hard to get packages to you as quickly as possible. As a result, once your order is submitted we cannot accept cancellations or changes.


  • Due to the nature of our all natural products, we cannot assure the purity of merchandise once it has been shipped. For safety and hygiene reasons this merchandise cannot be restocked or resold so we do not accept returns.
  • Due to the nature of bath and body products, all sales are final. If a product arrives damaged or you have any other concerns, please feel free to contact Trendsgift within three days of receiving your damaged product regarding your order.


  • If you receive the wrong or defective items, there is no need to return them to us. In this case, we always approve to issue you the refund. It is expected to be arrived in 2-3 business days.

We do not process a refund or return in the following cases:

  • Your order did not arrive due to factors within your control (i.e. providing the wrong shipping address, not being at home to receive the delivery, not picking up the packages as requested)
  • Your order did not arrive due to exceptional circumstances outside the control of Our Store (i.e. not being cleared by your country"s customs, being delayed by a natural disaster, showing "delivered" in the tracking system, having been shipped into your mailbox but gotten lost).

Late or missing refunds (if applicable):

If you haven’t received a refund yet:

  • First, check your bank account.
  • Then contact your credit card company, which may take some time before refunding your money to be officially displayed.
  • Third, contact your bank. It will usually take some time to handle before refunds are approved.
  • Finally, if you have done all of this and you have not received your refund, please contact us at [email protected].
Tags: Policy

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